Recommendations for DoD Cyber Threat Hunting Program on DIB Networks
May 24, 2021
Focuses on Section 1739 of the 2021 NDAA and calls for the DoD to assess the “feasibility and suitability of a defense industrial base cybersecurity threat hunting program” and for the Secretary of Defense to “consult with and solicit recommendations from representative industry stakeholders.”
Mitigating Advanced Persistent Insider Threats
October 06, 2020
Examines how large scale thefts of personal data help America’s adversaries target, exploit, and recruit sources inside government agencies, businesses, and universities.
Just Released: HR and Insider Threat Mitigation White Paper
September 25, 2020
Finds that adopting a holistic insider threat policy allows an organization to not only identify potential “bad actors” but also help employees through difficult times, enabling the company both to reduce its susceptibility to insider risks and to retain talented personnel.
New Paper Examines Impact of COVID on IC Acquisition
August 08, 2020
An AMC paper focused on the impact of COVID-19 on government acquisition finds the IC lags behind its Department of Defense and civil agency counterparts, resulting in a significant slowdown for new and current acquisition projects.
Countering Trade-Based Money Laundering Is Focus of New INSA White Paper
May 07, 2020
Calling Trade Based Money Laundering a “poorly understood and greatly underappreciated” threat to U.S. National Security, the paper advocates for the creation of a joint public-private TBML Fusion Center.
New Cyber Council Paper Advises Private Sector to Strengthen Cybersecurity Posture
February 06, 2020
Consolidates key information regarding the risk of nation-state sponsored cyberattacks on the private sector and offers a list of helpful resources organizations can use to strengthen cyber defenses.
New INSA White Paper Calls for Greater Information Sharing Between Government and Industry
January 16, 2020
Provides an overview of the issue, including the legal challenges associated with information sharing, and offers recommendations that government can take to help mitigate the threat of the malicious insider while still respecting individuals’ privacy.
Challenges in Handling CUI Can Hurt Industry and Government
January 01, 2020
Identifies 9 challenges that the National Archives' Information Security Oversight Office must address during the implementation of the federal Controlled Unclassified Information program.
Government Employees and Contractors Not Subject to Same Vetting Process
January 01, 2020
Discovers two critical differences between the Continuous Evaluation processes of contractors and government: consideration of social media and personnel security information sharing.
Components of Effective Insider Threat Programs
October 10, 2019
Designed to help organizations, no matter their organizational size or budget, create an effective training program to mitigate these risks, as well as standardized terminology to foster meaningful information sharing.