Cultivating and Retaining Talent

February 21, 2024 9:00 AM to 10:00 AM Virtual

Registration Fees


On Wednesday, February 21, INSA, INSF, and Black Professionals in International Affiars (BPIA) hosted an engaging webinar, Beyond Recruitment: Cultivating and Retaining Talent in National Security.  

(Top Row, L-R: C. Carithers; T. Creekmore; K. Suber, 2nd row: T. Horne and S. Coates)

The discussion started with the topic of retaining people of color at mid to senior ranks, specifically addressing the challenges at GS-13/14 and above levels. The panelists shared successful strategies, lessons learned from setbacks, and effective measures for overcoming existing barriers. Beyond retention, the conversation explored how diverse perspectives have positively influenced national security efforts, with tangible examples illustrating the impact on decision-making in international affairs and intelligence operations. 

Next, speakers shared insights on overcoming challenges in recruiting diverse talent, fostering career growth post-hiring, and navigating the organizational systems and cultural pitfalls often faced by diverse professionals. In closing the conversation shifted to best practices to create an inclusive workforce.


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